Monday, May 27, 2013
Monday May 20th - Left the Klamath River area and headed for Gold Beach Oregon
Another place you always see and never stop at is The Trees of Mystery. We stopped on our way to Gold Beach but it was so foggy we didn't hike around or take the tram ride. Alan named the truck "Babe, the Blue Ox" so we did go into the gift shop to get a stuffed ox and window sticker for the truck. We were surprised to find a museum of Indian artifacts ...it's the largest collection owned by one person. The women working the museum was a kick and was a great source of information on questions we had.
Stopped in Cresent City for a few supplies and got settled into the Turtle Rock RV Park in the afternoon. Once the trailer was set up we lined up a dog sitter for the next day and went over to Jerry's Rogue River Jet Boats and booked a trip for the next day.
Tuesday May 21st - Rogue River Jet Boat Ride
Up early, got the puppies checked into "Doggy Day Camp" and headed for Jerry's. The Rogue River Valley is noted for it's jet boat rides up the Rogue River and normally I would say they are well worth it. The scenery was beautiful and normally you get to see wild life while the experienced pilots take you through rapids, do spins and turns, and try to get you wet to cool you off from the hot sun. Well, the rain started just before we boarded the boat and didn't stop for 90% of the trip. The scenery was beautiful and we got to see a few bald eagles but it was wet and cold the entire trip. We did do a few fun turns and going through the rapids was a kick but it would have been much better on a warmer, dryer day. When we got back to the dock they had gift certificates for us giving us each $50 off on our next trip on a warmer and dryer day.
Weds May 22nd - Left Rogue River Valley and headed for Coos Bay/North Bend
The truck was having a few issues with the heating/ac fan so we scheduled an appointment at Coos Bay Ford to have it looked at. We found The Mill Casino RV Park close to the Ford dealership and checked in for a couple of days. The casino was having comedy night so after checking in we headed over for a light snack, a couple of beers, and some comedy.
Thurs May 23rd - Laundry, Puppy Baths, Truck Fixed, Shopping
Friday was spent getting the truck fixed, giving the puppies a bath, and doing some shopping. Still raining.....
Friday May 24th - Left coos Bay and drove to the Tillamook Valley to the Bayview Jetty County Park in Garibaldi.
We had rain off and on but once we finally got settled into the park the sun came out Yahoo! Since it was Memorial Day Weekend we made reservations a few days ago fearing we wouldn't find a spot to camp. They didn't have any spaces with hookups so we took one without. After we arrived and checked in we were just getting ready to park the trailer and they came by to tell us they had a cancellation and we could have a spot with full hookups if we wanted. Since we were planning on staying 4 nights we accepted the offer...how lucky are we?
Friday afternoon and Saturday have been okay...some sun and no rain to speak of. On Saturday we went over to see the Tillamook Cheese Factory. It was kind of commercial but got to see some of the production lines and they have "Killer Ice Cream"..JPG)

Sunday was on and off nice but today is rainy again so Alan is reading Dan Brown's new book "Inferno"
and I'm working on the blog. (Most parks have free wifi but this one you have to purchase it by the day.) We've had nice neighbors while camping here and enjoyed long walks along the jetty and the beach.

It's nice to have four days to relax before we drive again and we are sure enjoying the Oregon coast. Tomorrow we head off to the Portland area. Our Fisher Investment Counselor, Lee, is in Camas, Washington just across the river from Portland. We have never had the pleasure of meeting Lee since he was assigned to us after we left for Mexico but he has gone out of his way to help us in some pretty remote places. It will be fun to finally catch up. Then back to Hwy 101 and more Washington coastline.

Weds. May 15th, 2013 - 11:00 a.m. finally off for Alaska
First stop Napa, CA to visit Don, Amanda, and our little Miss Ruby Belle. We stayed at the Skyline Wilderness Park a nice campground on the outskirts of Napa. First test of leaving the puppies in the trailer alone,after 3 1/2 hours they did great! We had fun playing with Ruby...............she is so active but when it was time to leave so loving....we had at least three big hugs and kisses each, what a way to start a trip.

Thursday May 16th - Leaving Napa for Benbow RV Park
Our goal for the first part of the trip was to take Hwy 101 all the way up through California, Oregon, and Washington to Canada stopping at all those places we didn't have time for when we were off on some other adventure.
One stop I always wanted to make was along the way at the roadside carving stands.

Friday May 17th - Brunch at the Benbow Inn
The Benbow RV Park was nice but I always wanted to stay at the Benbow Inn (est. in 1926). Well I still haven't stayed in one of the rooms but we had a nice brunch and got to walk around the Inn and gardens.

Saturday May 18th - Headed North to the Klamath River
Next stop was the Klamath River with Alan's chance to go and explore Fern Canyon. Along the way we left Hwy 101 and drove up the Ave. of the Giants, again it seems like you never take the time....so glad we did. The drive was beautiful.

We got into Kamp Klamath and got camp set up then headed for the lookout to watch the mother whales taking their calves up the coast. It was kind of cold but we never get tired of watching mother nature at it's best.


Sun. May 19th - Took the Fern Canyon Hike
Off to Fern Canyon. The canyon was created millions of years ago...the retreating sea left the coastal bluffs behind. Waters draining to the ocean sculpted the rocky formations of the canyon walls. Some of the ferns climbing the walls are ancient species who's ancestry can be traced back 325 million years. It was a bit tricky at times navigating the stream and logs (I gave up and figured my feet were going to get wet anyway so I forgot the logs and just trudged trough the stream.) but the walk was well worth the effort and breath taking. The pictures do not do it justice.

On the way back to Hwy 101 from Fern Canyon we got to see a herd of Elk. We pulled over to watch and some walked right behind the truck.

When we got back to camp we relaxed and Alan played guitar. The camp owner stopped by and asked if he wanted to have a little "Jam Session" later and of course the answer was yes. Douglas, the owner, also played guitar and harmonica and another camp guest played the base tub. Never actually played with a base tub before but it was fun. We had about 15 people all gathered around the camp fire and enjoying some good conversation and music.
What a nice way to spend our last night in California.
***Note...first time using the new "Blog Spot" format...not happy with picture layouts but got tired of messing with it. Hopefully before the trip is over I'll get better at the posts. P.S. You can click on any picture to make it larger.

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