It was sad to leave Zihuatanejo but we were excited about the new adventures that await us.
left with SV Endeavour, Kim and Linda, and SV Java Moon, Skip, with the plan to stop in Acapulco. We had a good afternoon sail with light winds and flat seas but had to motor once the sun set. We arrived in Acapulco the next morning and continued on past the first bay, Bahia de Acapulco, to the second smaller bay, Bahia de Puerto Marques. It was a beautiful little anchorage away from the hustle and bustle of Acapulco proper. Not long after setting the hook we had swimming suits on and were in the water. It was 86 degrees and clear............can't beat that. 
We relaxed the rest of the day in our small little bay then set out to explore Acapulco the next day. We walked about a mile and caught the "autobus" to downtown Acapulco. On the way we had a great view of our little bay. We found Acapulco with the anticipated high rise hotels but were surprised at how clean and well maintained it was. Lots of trees and grass but we were put off at the "fake palms" we saw along the way.
We relaxed the rest of the day in our small little bay then set out to explore Acapulco the next day. We walked about a mile and caught the "autobus" to downtown Acapulco. On the way we had a great view of our little bay. We found Acapulco with the anticipated high rise hotels but were surprised at how clean and well maintained it was. Lots of trees and grass but we were put off at the "fake palms" we saw along the way.
The Effietubbies do Acapulco!!!
Old Acapulco
Acapulco Today
Fake Palms Tree and All
First stop was the Fuerte de San Diego, a pentagonal fort built in 1616 for protection from the marauding Dutch and English buccaneers.
Linda and Mac at the entrance to the fort.
View from the fort over looking the other anchorage/marina in Acapulco.
Next stop was the zocalo (town square), always one of our favorite parts of Mexican towns. We went to see the Cathedral then walked around the square which was beautiful. It had fountains and the most spectacular trees, one banyan tree in particular. Then it was off in search of the cliff divers.
After an accelerating walk up the hill we arrived at the famous spot. We had about an hour wait but it was well worth it. It truly was amazing to watch the divers first climb the high cliffs then dive into the waters below. You could see the concentration on their faces as they waited for just the right wave to come in before soaring down the cliffs into the water. The first diver was only 11 years old, then
they dove from higher up first two at a time, then three at a time. Although we took pictures, it something you have to see in person to appreciate.
they dove from higher up first two at a time, then three at a time. Although we took pictures, it something you have to see in person to appreciate.
Kim lost all his videos but Alan took one of them while they did practice dives....not the best but it gives you an idea of what it was like.
We stopped back at the zocalo and had a snack and some refreshments before we headed back to the boat via Costco. Original plans were to leave on Thursday for Huatulco but due to an anticipated heavy blow in the Tehuantepec we decided to stay until Saturday. We spent the two days just relaxing with Linda and Kim in the beautiful little bay of Marques.
Cute little Lanteen Rigged sail boat that stopped by for a visit while in Marques.
We also had a treat just before we left......Kenny sent us an updated picture of Mitchel, Christian, and Alyssa.....the hardest part of being away.
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