Wednesday, June 5th
Got to the Canadian border and it was only a 10 to 15 min. wait. They didn't look through the trailer, they didn't ask us about alcohol, they didn't ask us about beef, fruit or any other food items just if we had guns, where we were going, and how long we would be in Canada.......piece of cake. The drive through downtown Vancouver, however, was a different story. We were headed to North Vancouver to meet up with another cruising friend and our GPS took us right through downtown Vancouver. It was fun to see the city and Stanley Park but a busy city and narrow streets are a bit stressful when you are pulling a trailer. Alan did a great job and we were all tucked in to our RV park near St Ambleside Park Beach. Our friend Thea SV Lost Elvis came by around 4:00 and we had some appies, wine, and fun catching up. We then went for a bite at White Spot, best hamburger I've had in a very long time, then a long walk in St Ambleside Park Beach. Another great day!

Next morning, Thursday, June 6th off to Kamloops to see John and Mary.

More Canada to come........
We've had a good visit with John and Mary and their family and friends. It was Mary's birthday on June 7th so her sister, Tina, had a birthday party for her on Saturday. Lots of good food and so much fun to meet friends and family. We started off all drinking "Grog" made from the Kava root.....makes your tongue a little numb, then lots of good food. Mary's Mom, Freida, was able to join us and she loved meeting the puppies (she's a real animal lover). Tina has a beautiful home and lovely flowers all around her yard.

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