Al had a quiet month while Mac was home visiting family. The storms picked up a bit during the end of August and September and he got some pictures of the lightening. Pictures, however, can never do justice to how crazy the storms can get……………we’ve never seen it rain so hard or been this close to lightening strikes before. It’s actually quite beautiful to watch a storm come in but when it actually hits it can be wild for awhile. The wind hits you first then comes the rain, and boy can it rain. When the storm is close the lightening strikes get closer and when they are really close the thunder can be deafening. Only one boat has gotten hit so far this summer………lets hope that’s all. Don’t worry, however, the boat is not grounded so even if we got hit the worst that would happen is we would loose all our electronics, we would be fine and live to sail another day.

There are also very quiet beautiful nights on the boat here in El Salvador……….
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